Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance
Investing in auto insurance is a smart choice not only to fulfill legal requirements for drivers, but also to avoid full financial liability in a crash. Few of us have the spare cash to fully replace a vehicle if it’s totaled, and auto insurance can ensure that you won’t have to.
No matter the vehicle that you own, you need auto insurance in the case of disaster. Hundreds of accidents on the road happen every single day in Florida, and making car insurance protection all the more crucial. The National Insurance Group will make sure that you have the auto insurance coverage you need to feel secure on the road. Our friendly agents will narrow down the car insurance coverage available to you, presenting affordable, high-quality options for your needs.

Liability vs. Comprehensive
Auto Insurance
Liability and comprehensive auto insurance provide different types of coverage for drivers. While liability auto insurance is required for all drivers under state law, comprehensive coverage is an optional addition.
If you’re in an accident and found to be at found, liability insurance will cover the cost of the damage to the other driver’s property, as well as the medical bills for any injuries sustained in the accident. Comprehensive insurance, on the other hand, will cover the cost of replacing or repairing your car in instances such as vandalism and storm damage.
Other types of optional auto insurance are available to further protect your vehicle. These include collision insurance and uninsured motorist insurance. Our team at The National Insurance Group can provide the insight that you need to determine if you need these additional coverage types.
Auto Insurance in Florida
Since auto insurance requirements vary from state to state, Florida has its own set of regulations. In Florida, drivers are required to have personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability (PDL) insurance. Personal injury protection insurance covers a portion of your medical bills and lost wages after a car accident, no matter who was at fault. Property damage liability insurance covers the cost of damage to the other driver’s property if you’re in a crash. Florida is a “no-fault” state, meaning that drivers aren’t legally required to obtain bodily injury liability insurance. Instead, as mentioned above, each driver is required to have PIP insurance to cover their own medical expenses regardless of who’s responsible for the accident.